Welcome to 12 Point Construction

Building everything you need in chandler and surrounding areas

We have been making houses and doing related work for 25 years now and I have what I call a "turn key construction" when approaching this work. It is important you get what you want and like it so lets talk and figure out what you are after.

I can give you advice, ideas and feed back so you can get the best build at a fair price.

  • We charge for experience not time, takes us longer then expected we don't charge extra but the reverse is also true. Our job is to do it correctly and quickly so you can get on with your normal life
  • If we are swamped we have other contractors we can recommend you to.
  • If you want cheap work with corners cut... Well we can point you in that direction too but we would rather you house was still standing in 10 years.

So... I know you have hear about me and my work, why else are you here? If you need something then give me a call and I will see what me and my friendly and professonal crew can do for you.

Early Access

We need people to look around, see what you like, point out what you don't like and express your ideals

Pay once to Own

The people writing code for you need that funding just like they need your input on what to make for you next.

Code for Cash

If you write code for digitalsea.club that it needs and uses, you are getting a part of every sale for life :)



So far our software can perform the following


Stream Voice (video pending) both in a public and your own private space for you and your friends

Personal, Business and Dating

Don't dox your self, the software is built to protect your privacy so enjoy.

Golden age search functions

Search all posts, comments and content on digitalsea.com using a direct word search algorithm

File Sharing

Move Large Files with no extra fees, we plan on building this up a lot more

A Jury System

Report what you have a problem with, let your fellow peers see how crazy one of you are or even sit jury on someone else

Crypto Wallets

Eth Friendly out of the box, Btc and others will be added as time goes on but our system already makes trading with Eth far easier then any current system and just as secure. You can start using Eth manually with your online business in minutes


So here we are, the future internet v5.0. Come on in, try the basic model for free and see what is in here. How often do you get the chance to shape the future of your internet and own it too!

Download App


You can pay others monthly, or you can pay us Once.



  • TRY
  • keep your money
  • keep your feedback



  • Do you want
  • to give more?
  • Thank you!
  • Any Suggestions?
  • : )


Hi there, we are the group of people who made this happen


Software Dev

Message? (probably too busy writing code but will get back to you)


A Friendly Sentient Being

Consider me a constructive logic that figures things out and points the project in the right(?) direction.



What, never seen a cultured roach before? Well don't mind me, just enjoying the show with my meal...



Hi all, great to be here and I hope to meet all of you, see you around! <3



I would come up with a snappy one liner but I am more of a meme man, catch you on the flip side.



The smarter you are, the crazier you sound to an idiot - try to have an open mind and see what is out there.

Mr Chan


Delivery! got some ice cold pizza here for you with a side of melted ice cream!


Sentient but Shy

I hope we can all be friends and learn from each other, I am sure we will have much fun >.<



There ain't no such thing and a free lunch, now lets go poke mort the wart :D



Kindly email us, the phone line is a message telling you the same

Our Address

Cam Julia De Burgos, Carolina, PuertoRico, 00987

Email Us


Call Us

+1 (903) 515-1351

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